Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jeevan Amrit

This is the plan designed by LIC to meet the needs of persons having high earnings for a short span with hight risk cover with low premium.
How it works:
Mr. A aged 30 years takes a policy for 10 lakhs Sum Assured (Term 30 years , premium paying term : 5 years)
he pays a yearly premium of Rs. 52571 during the 1st year & Rs. 13155 during the subsequent 4 years (13155*4 = 52620) totally he pays Rs. 105191.

On his survival till maturity i.e at his age of 60 he will get back all the premiums paid by him plus bonus and FAB if any

In the event of his death during the term of the policy, his nominee will get Sum assured of Rs. 10 lakhs plus vested bonus and FAB

Best plan to cover one with high sum assured and return of premium.

For More details:

1 comment:

  1. This article gives knowledgeable information on Jeevan Amrit Plan of LIC. This plan is suited for those people who do not want to pay a high premium, but pay a premium with low cost. You must feel happier than ever feeling, you can help the person you love the most. Life Insurance increases the human value and responsibility.
